The wandering seemed endless,
And the whining never stopped,
Felt alone and so very friendless,
Like every blessing had dropped.
I trudged a while, sat some time,
I toiled through task after task,
The days seemed like pantomime,
I wondered if I should even ask...
If there was respite or would it rain,
If there was any horizon in sight,
If I could cool my heels and gain,
A journey towards the holy light.
This went on and then one day,
I chanced upon an image of You,
It seemed to me as though You lay,
Within to bid helplessness adieu.
You turned from master to a friend,
You held my hand and spoke to me,
You clutched as I, my ways did mend,
And kept me afloat the turbulent sea.
I lie by Your feet, Master and Lord,
I am grateful that You lead the way,
When I need to break worldly chord,
In Your palm to blissfully stay.
The fruits of all the orchards I offer You,
The flower off every fragrant sandal tree,
My deeds, old and as You ever renew,
From the beginning, to present decree.